Feeding Our Community, One Garden at a Time
Spring Garden Kickoff: March 13 from 10:00am – 11:30am: Join us for a virtual program with remarks from Arlington County Board Chair Matt de Ferranti and County Board Member Libby Garvey, discussions with gardeners and food pantries, and popcorn gardening sessions. We hope you’ll get inspired to garden and get involved! Click here to register Registration link. With your registration, you’ll be eligible for a garden-lover giveaway on March 13th!
- Plot Against Hunger in 2020 & 2021
- Remarks by Arlington County Board Chair Matt de Ferranti, County Board Member Libby Garvey, and Alexandria Vice-Mayor Elizabeth Bennett-Parker
- Where to Go to Find Gardening Answers, Kirsten Conrad of VCE and Susan Agolini, Marymount University
- How You Donations Help Local Food Pantries – discussion with food pantries
- 4 Popcorn sessions: Favorite Gardening Tools, How to Read a Seed Packet, Growing Potatoes, How to Conduct a Soil Test
Gardening Kit Giveaway at Central Library: Monday, March 15 at 12:00pm – 2:00pm. Seed kits to kick start growing vegetables! The library will be offering a choice of 3 Sisters Kit (corn, beans, squash) or a Lettuce in Pots Kit for gardening in small spaces. First come, first served.
How to Start a Plot Against Hunger Vegetable Garden: Wednesday, March 17 at 7:00pm – 8:00pm: Not sure if you have a green thumb? Join us online to learn how to start a garden! Hear from experts who started their own gardens, including at a local school and church, and why they donate produce to local food pantries through the Plot Against Hunger program. Click here to register Registration link. With your registration, you’ll be eligible for a garden-lover giveaway on March 17th!
- Moderators: Kirsten Conrad & Aisha Salazar from VCE
- Patrick Earle, TC Williams school garden
- Alison Sheahan, Ashlawn Elementary School Sustainability Liaison
- Dave Smith, St. Andrew’s Church garden
- Emily Landsman, gardening in small spaces
Gardening Demonstrations:
- Arlington Central Library: Saturday, March 20 at 9:30am – 11:30am: Join us to learn about having a Plot Against Hunger garden, view live demonstrations of gardening techniques, and pick up some seeds. Live demonstrations include: 1) Starting a garden in containers (on side patio), 2) Growing vertically with trellises and other structures, and 3) Building a raised bed. (1015 N. Quincy St, enter parking lot on N. 10th St)
- St. Andrew’s Church, March 20 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Demonstration of cole crop planting and repotting seedlings. (4000 Lorcom Lane, garden is at the top of the hill next to back parking lot)
- Registration required so we can maintain COVID safety protocols and social distancing.
Throughout the week, there will be other online learning opportunities.
The Plot Against Hunger Spring Garden Kickoff is a week-long event March 13 – 20 with online and outdoor events hosted by Arlington Friends of Urban Agriculture, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia, Marymount University, and the Plot Against Hunger Steering Committee.